There’s no doubt that being a mompreneur is tough. It’s hard to juggle the demands of work, family, and personal needs without feeling constantly stressed or like you’re not doing enough for any one part of your life. But there are ways to manage it all more effectively and feel better about what you’re accomplishing in each area. In this post, we’ll be discussing 5 strategies to help increase productivity as a mompreneur so that you can take on every challenge with confidence!

1. Set Up a Daily Routine

Set up a daily routine that can be followed for at least 30 days that include a morning and evening routine. Doing things the same way each day will help establish habits and make it easier to manage your time in general. Make sure you have some “you” time planned into this schedule, otherwise you’ll burn out before too long! Below is a sample of my morning routine. Keep in mind, to adapt you can skip, or shorten the time on some of these items to suit your schedule.

Don’t waste time in bed! Jump out of bed as soon as you wake up, get dressed, and be ready for the day. This will help set the tone for a productive morning. Below is an example of my morning routine.

7 Before 7 Morning Routine

  1. 5AM wake-up or wake up before everyone else
  2. Drink 12 ounces of water first thing when you get out of bed. I have a bottle of water right on my nightstand. 
  3. Quiet time/ meditation
  4. Read over my goal statement
  5. Journal about what worked and what didn’t work yesterday and what you’re looking forward to today
  6. Exercise
  7. Read or listen to inspiration stories or quotes

Evening routine: Schedule your day the night before (and make sure you start your day!)

If you have a to-do list that is never ending, this tip will be helpful for you! Spend 15 minutes before bed each night planning out what needs to happen during the next day so it’s not overwhelming in the morning when you’re looking at your todo list for the first time. And remember, 3 things each day and everyday. 

Below is a sample of an evening routine.

  1. Plan the next day
  2. Acknowledge yourself for great job in handling the day no matter what happend
  3. Dinner with the family
  4. Shower and self-care (mini facials)
  5. Say your gratitudes or count your blessings
  6. Read over your goal statement
  7. Go to bed at the same time every night

2. Create A Priority List

Priorities are the most important tasks in your list. And they should be things that ultimately get you closer to your goals. In other words, your priorities should be things that matter most to you. It’s helpful to create a priority list that you can refer back to when things get hectic and it feels like everything is urgent! Some examples of priorities:

  • Self-care and family
  • Client fulfillment
  • Marketing or Service Development

Ultimately, the most important priorities are those that directly affect your wellbeing and your family first. Then your business comes second. Most of us have it the other way around. And if you do, you need a business model that fits your lifestyle. Book a breakthrough call with one of our coaches today.

3. Schedule Non-negotiables 

My family is my number one priority, hence it’s on my non-negotiable list. It’s so important to keep those precious one-on-one moments with your kids, even if it means not finishing a project. Don’t let the business take over their childhoods! Nothing will make up for that lost time later on and you will resent yourself for it. Make sure you spend some time with your partner, too. Great relationships are kept great through purposeful planning and implementation. Plus, it’s not enough to be a mom and entrepreneur. You have to take care of yourself, too! If you don’t schedule “you” time into your busy week, you’ll burn out before you even start.

4. Prioritize Your Health

As a mompreneur, it’s easy to neglect yourself because you’re trying to take care of everyone else! Think about what you need in order to feel good and energized so that you can be the best version of yourself for them (and your business). A healthy body and clear mind is key when you’re feeling overworked and overwhelmed. So if it means you need 30 mins to workout or exercise a day then it must be on your calendar as part of your daily routine. I highly recommend it in the morning before everything starts. It could also mean some quiet time with a cup of tea or coffee by yourself. You’re taking care of your mental health here. 

5. One Thing at A Time: Limit Multitasking

Don’t get overwhelmed by looking at everything that needs to be done. Instead, focus on one task at a time, and work to complete it before moving onto the next. This will help you stay productive! There are no “bad” tasks. Just because a task isn’t your favorite doesn’t mean it can’t be completed efficiently in order  to move onto the next task.

Plus, you can create plans for your tasks! Pair certain tasks or projects with someone else in order to make it more manageable. For example, if you have a bunch of emails that need responses and another project due this week, assign the email response duty to one person who can tackle them while you focus on the project.


Being a mompreneur is an everyday adventure, with hills and valleys every step of the way. When it comes to productivity, understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you get things done more efficiently! With these strategies in hand, you’ll be able to keep up with every task and project that comes your way.

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