Do You Procrastinate? It Doesn’t Mean What You Think
All business problems stem from a mindset problem. Without healing your mindset, generally the issues are very difficult to solve. There are a few big ones I tend to see when supporting my clients with their businesses, but the one I want to address today is...
Why Your Health is the Foundation of Your Business
The truth is, when you are healthy- physically, emotionally, and spiritually- everything in your life works more efficiently. Your productivity levels soar and your relationships flourish. Your time management skills will also be better because you have more energy...
How To Fill Your Own Cup By Working On Your Self-Trust
Self-trust is one of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur. You have to have faith in your own abilities and know that you are capable of achieving great success even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment. Self-trust is ultimately your ability to...
How to Shake Off That Feeling of Being Stuck
Many people have a deep-seated fear of failure. It's human nature to avoid taking risks because we're afraid of the consequences. Yet, this is the exact fear that is holding you back from succeeding in life and business. If you're unclear on how to move forward, or...